05 July 2012

Launch Day 05/07/2012

Follow MSG-3 launch live on ESA, Eumetsat or Arianespace websites.

07:15 am @ EPCU S5C North (Kourou time).  D - Day has started.
Let's start this message with an Arianespace picture taken yesterday (04/07/2012): the Launch vehicle on the ELA-3 Launch pad
Credits: Arianespace
09:36 am (L-9 hours) All Thales people in place at LBC-1. Countdown started. Spacecraft ON
An overall view of the LBC
A nice view on the launcher from the water tower (TV monitor in LBC-1)
11:24 am (L-7h 12mn). LBC-1 to Jupiter: MSG-3 status nominal
In the meantime, our mascot, Toco, joined the LBC-1...
12:26 (L-6h 10min). MSG-3 RF (Radio Frequency) Transmitter ON. On the background below the "RF corner" with Jean-Paul and Patrick (on the right). On the foreground all the Telemetry monitoring screens
13:25 (L-5h 11nin) All parameters are green. Few minutes later, 2 weather forecast reports: High winds and general weather forecast briefing. Green. Authorisation to fuel the Launch vehicle has been given.
14:21 (L-4h 15 min). MSG-3 started battery charging.
14:28 (L-4h 08 min). EPC (Etage de Propulsion Cryogénique/Cryogenic Propulsion Stage) fuelling started
15:08 (L-3h 28 min) ESC (Etage Supérieur Cryogénique/Upper Cryogenic stage) fuelling
15:31 (L-3h 05 min ) MSG-3  reported parameters from LBC-1 to Jupiter are green

16:36 (L-2h 00 min) MSG-3 spacecraft status is green. Here under, a snapshot of the Launch vehicle from the TV monitor in LBC-1. Weather looks fine.
17:11 (L-1h 25mn) : Jean Claude giving the Spacecraft status to CPS (Chef de Projet Satellite/Head of Satellite Project) in Jupiter: MSG-3 status Green
ca 17:15 "Ratissage" at EPCU i.e. All unauthorised personnel is kindly asked to leave the EPCU S5 for safety reasons.
Hugues our RMCU (Responsble Moyen Charge Utile/Payload Responsible) at EPCU during the campaign is carefully checking the list of names.
17:36 (L-1 hour). MSG-3 status is green. All other launch parameters are green. The clock below gives the UT (Universal Time) and the exact L -1 hour of the chronology...
18:16 (L-20 min) MSG-3 has been turned to internal power.
18:25 (L-11 min), RPS confirms to CPS Jupiter that MSG-3 status is green.
18:29 (L-7 minutes) start of the synchronised sequence of the launcher.
18:36 Lift-off
VA 207 pass over the EPCU

L+34 minutes MSG-3 separated from the launcher: Mission is declared successful!
It is time to celebrate this outstanding team work. This campaign was a great human and technical experience and all will certainly create long life memories.
Here below the LBC-1 team.
Now all will join the party with the the rest of the team in Jupiter and all other guests of the Arianespace party :-)

1-Lift-off seen from Toucan
Credits: ESA
Credits: Arianespace
More launch pictures will be posted later on.

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